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Author Larry Wood speaks on “The most spectacular court procedure in the entire life of the county”

Oct 23rd, 2019

Bigamy and Bloodshed by Larry E. Wood. Kent State University Press.Bigamy and Bloodshed author Larry E. Wood on the murder of Sarah Graham—and the intricate and sensational court case that shocked Missouri in 1885. Read all about it at

“The case had a cast of characters ready made for a real-life drama. A smooth-talking man with a troubled past who had been twice married to his first wife, the mother of his children. A second wife, a chaste young woman naïve in the ways of the world but completely devoted to her roguish husband. Most intriguing, one of America’s preeminent temperance revivalists embroiled in scandal and accused of hypocrisy by her enemies in the press and the liquor industry.”

Find out more about Bigamy and Bloodshed: The Scandal of Emma Molloy and the Murder of Sarah Graham.

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