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Civil War History

Jim Downs, Editor

Crystal Feimster, Associate Editor

Sarah Gardner, Book Review Editor

ISSN 0009-8078
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Preview Upcoming Issue:

December, 2024
Volume 70, No. 4

“What a Piece of Work Is Man”: Human Dignity in The Killer Angels on Its Fiftieth Anniversary
Christina K. Adkins

“I Shall Forward to You My Contraband”: Tracing Coerced Wartime Black Movement North through an Incomplete Archive
Marcy S. Sacks


AboutCivil War History is in its seventh decade as the leading scholarly journal of “the middle period”—covering the entire scope of the American Civil War era, from the genesis of the sectional crisis through Reconstruction and beyond, highlighting the ramifications of warfare on society. Its topics include slavery and abolition, antebellum and Reconstruction politics, diplomacy, social and cultural developments in mid–nineteenth century America, and military history.

In addition to the major articles in each issue, comprehensive book reviews assist the scholar in keeping abreast of current literature in the field.

As the outstanding forum for studies in this pivotal period in American history, Civil War History belongs in every major library collection, including those for students, historians, buffs, and the interested general reader.

Civil War History is especially seeking pioneering scholarship that investigates the cultural, social, and comparative history of the Civil War era. We encourage contributors and readers to contact us directly at

Board of Editors:

Yoni Applebaum, The Atlantic
Maria Carrillo, Lincoln Memorial Shrine
Amanda Claybaugh, Harvard University
Catherine Clinton, University of Texas at San Antonio
Lisa Tendrich Frank, Author and Historian
Barbara Gannon, University of Central Florida
Sarah Lewis, Harvard University
Tamika Nunley, Cornell University
Susan O’Donovan, University of Memphis
Paul Quigley, Virginia Tech
Britt Rusert, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw, University of Pennsylvania
Natasha Trethewey, Northwestern University
Emily West, University of Reading, United Kingdom


Jim Downs is the Gilder Lehrman-National Endowment for the Humanities Professor of Civil War Era Studies and History. He is the author of Sick From Freedom: African American Sickness and Suffering during the Civil War and Reconstruction (Oxford UP, 2012), Stand By Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation (Basic Books, 2016) and Maladies of Empire: How Colonialism, Slavery, and War Transformed Medicine(Harvard UP, 2021).

Associate Editor

Crystal N. Feimster is associate professor in the Departments of African American Studies and History and the Programs of American Studies and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. She is the author of Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching (Harvard, 2009), which won the North East Black Studies Association 2010 W.E.B. Du Bois Book Prize and received Honorable Mention for the Organization of American Historians’ 2010 Darlene Clark Hine Award.

Book Review Editor

Submit TWO books for review to:

Civil War History Book Review Editor
Civil War Institute, Campus Box 435
300 North Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Sarah Gardner is Distinguished University Professor of History in Mercer University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Sarah Gardner is Distinguished University Professor of History in Mercer University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She is the author of Blood and Irony: Southern White Women’s Narratives of the Civil War, 1861-1937 and Reviewing the South: The Literary Marketplace and the Making of the Southern Renaissance.

Submission Guidelines
Submitting an Article

Send article manuscripts to:

Jim Downs, Editor
Gilder Lehrman–NEH Humanities Professor of Civil War Era Studies and History
Weidensall Hall
Room 202
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400


Basic Formatting Guidelines
Most popular word processing programs in either PC or Mac platform may be acceptable, but Microsoft Word is strongly preferred.

  • The text should be double-spaced in 12-point type.
  • Text pages should be numbered consecutively.
  • Include the author’s name only on a separate title page.
  • Avoid acknowledgments or citations that might reveal the author’s identity to referees.
  • Manuscripts should run between 40 and 60 pages (approximately 10,000 to 15,000 words including notes).

Basic Submission Guidelines
The author’s name should appear ONLY on a separate title page, and nowhere on the article, notes, or abstract because all articles are subject to blind review.

  • Send an electronic copy as an email attachment to
  • Please be sure to include:
    • a 125-word abstract.
    • a short (2-3 pp) updated c.v.
    • Information regarding illustrations, photos, tables, or charts. Please note that authors are responsible for supplying print-ready artwork (see “Illustrations” below) and for obtaining written permission and paying related fees for the use of copyrighted material.

Books for Review

Submit TWO books for review to:

Civil War History Book Review Editor
Civil War Institute, Campus Box 435
300 North Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325

The Article Review Process

Civil War History receives more than 100 submissions a year. Of these, 13, or about 1 in 10, will eventually be published in CWH.

Initially, the editors read each submission to verify its suitability for CWH and to identify experts to serve as external referees. Depending on the nature of the particular piece, the editors will seek anywhere from 2 to 3 referees; 2 is the usual number.

The review process is double-blind to ensure author-referee anonymity and may take anywhere from three to six months to complete. Referees are asked to include—and go beyond—a recommendation about publication. Once all referee reports are returned to CWH, the editor, as a general rule, reaches one of four decisions:

  • An article may be accepted outright;
  • It may be conditionally accepted, pending specific changes;
  • It may be returned for revisions with encouragement to resubmit;
  • Finally, it may be returned outright.

Revise and resubmit is a typical outcome for a CWH submission. Authors should not interpret this decision as a polite rejection but, rather, as an indication that the referees recognize the manuscript’s promise and that the editor hopes the author will undertake the recommended revisions and resubmit the article to CWH.

The editor expects that manuscripts submitted to CWH are not under consideration by other journals or previously published in whole or substantial part (as a book chapter, for example). Kent State University Press holds the copyright of articles published in Civil War History. CWH authors who wish to reprint their article (in whole or substantial part) will need to obtain the Press’s permission.

Book Reviews
Every quarterly issue of Civil War History features a section devoted to book reviews—approximately 12-15 in each issue. Our reviews are generally 500-750 words in length, although the journal also publishes longer review essays (of 2,500 or more words).

If you are interested in writing book reviews for CWH please contact book review editor by letter. In your letter, identify the fields in which you are qualified to review and include a listing of your significant publications. CWH book reviewers are expected to have a record of significant (refereed) publication in the area in which they review.

If you are interested in submitting a book review, please contact:

Civil War History Book Review Editor
Civil War Institute, Campus Box 435
300 North Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325


Civil War History Style Sheet

Style and Documentation
Follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, in matters of style and documentation. Follow Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary for spelling and hyphenation. Use American (first spellings) rather than British rules for spelling.

Insert any diacritical (accent) marks, preferably by using accents on the computer font being used, but as a last resort make an electronic note of the necessary accents, e.g. [Please add accent aigu over the second “e” in this word].

Footnotes should be embedded using the automatic footnote feature in your word processing software. If they cannot be embedded, include notes in a separate section following the article text.

Input & Output: Use one typeface throughout with the minimum of formatting. Except as listed below, avoid all typographic embellishments, including centering, bold face, italics, type ornaments (dingbats), and words typed in all capitals. Use underlining only for text that is to be printed in italics, e.g., the title of a book or journal or the name of a ship. Type one space after periods, one space after colons and semicolons. Never use letters for numbers (e.g., lowercase “ell” for the num one, or the letter “o” for the number zero).

Everything must be double-spaced, including text, extracts within the text, captions, notes, tables, and sources and notes to tables. Allow 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, left, and right. Submit to the editor an electronic copy; keep an identical copy for your records.

Hyphenation & Justification: Turn off the automatic hyphenation feature on your word processing application. Do not type hyphens to break words to the next line. Use a hard return (i.e., starting a new line by using the Enter key) only to begin a new paragraph, never to move to the next line.

Pagination: Number pages consecutively throughout the manuscript in the upper right-hand corner beginning with Arabic 1. Do not use running heads.

Headings: The Kent State University Press discourages the use of subheads and space breaks, preferring a carefully worded transition sentence. Where subheads are necessary, type them in upper and lower case and label in brackets [A head] or [B head] according to their level. Always leave one full line of space above and below all subheads.

Paragraphs and Line Spaces: Begin new paragraphs by typing a hard return. Use a tab for paragraph indents; do not use the space bar. Do not insert extra space between paragraphs. Line spaces or breaks should be avoided.

Extracts: All extracts should be double-spaced. Indent prose extracts from the left margin using the command in your program for changing the left indent. Poetry extracts should follow the original form exactly for indentations and stanza breaks.

Footnotes: All notes must be double-spaced. If using Microsoft Word, use the automatic footnote feature.

Tables: Use tabs, not the space bar, to define columns. Make sure the hard copy and the e-file match. Type all tables double-spaced on pages separate from the text, and number them consecutively. Always make explicit reference to each table within the text and indicate its location in the text on a line, thus: [Table 1 about here]. A horizontal rule should be inserted below the table title, below the column headings, and below the table itself. Do not insert any vertical rules in the tables. Notes and sources should be double-spaced below the final rule. Table notes must be indicated by superscript letters. Save each table as a separate electronic file. (See sample table file here .)

Illustrations: For photographs submit 300 ppi greyscale TIFF files at full size: at least 5 x 7 inches or 1500 pixels x 2100 pixels. For line illustrations submit 1200 ppi bitmapped TIFF files at full size: at least 5 x 7 inches or 6000 pixels x 8400 pixels. Do not embed images in your electronic manuscript file; instead submit them as separate e-files with placement indicated in the text: [Figure 1 here]. Send a hard copy of any illustrations.

Permissions and Fees

Kent State University Press requires a consent-to-publish agreement from authors before articles can be published. Upon acceptance of your article, you will receive a consent-to-publish agreement from the editor. Complete the form, sign, and return it to the Press.

Material quoted or paraphrased from primary and secondary sources and tables and artwork reproduced or adapted from any source may require permission for use. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission and paying related fees for the use of such material. The editorial process cannot begin until the editor has received copies of all necessary releases.

Please note that authors are responsible for paying reproduction fees and obtaining permission to use copyrighted materials; however, the editor will gladly write supporting letters to the holders of copyrights for authors seeking remission of fees.

Books for ReviewSubmit TWO books for review to:

Civil War History Book Review Editor
Civil War Institute, Campus Box 435
300 North Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Rights & PermissionsRequests for permission to reproduce material published in Civil War History should be made in writing and addressed to:

Permissions Department
Kent State University Press
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Full page: $175
Half page: $110
Inside back cover: $200
Back cover: $225
Bleeds: add 10%

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Agency commission: 15%
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Full page: 4¼ x 7⅛ inches
Half page: 4¼ x 3½ inches
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
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Contract and Copy Regulations:

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Ad Reservation Due Dates:
March issue: November 7
June issue: February 7
September issue: May 7
December issue: August 7

Ad Copy Due Dates:
March issue: December 7
June issue: March 7
September issue: June 7
December issue: September 7

Order and Inquiries:
Journals Department
The Kent State University Press
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, Ohio 44242-0001
Phone: 330-672-7913
Fax: 330-672-3104