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Examination and Desk Copy Policies

Requests for examination copies must be submitted in writing on departmental letterhead and include the course title and number, esti­mated enrollment, semester it will be taught, and bookstore information. Please limit your selection to three titles. All requests must be accom­panied by $6.50 per title (check or money order only) to cover shipping and hand­ling. Any paper­back book priced at $15 or less is available at no cost above the shipping and handling fee. Pre­payment at a 20% discount (plus shipping) is required for hardcover books and paperbacks priced over $15; check, MasterCard, VISA, or Discover will be accepted. If a book is adopted for a class of 10 or more students, the prepayment will be refunded; requests for refunds must be accompanied by the name and phone number of the bookstore that placed the order. Examination copies not adopted as texts may be returned for refund of the purchase price. All refund requests must be made within 60 days of receipt of the book.

Desk copies are granted on 10-copy orders when books are required (rather than recommended). The Press reserves the right to limit availability of exam and desk copies.

Requests may be faxed to 330-672-3104 attn: Clara Totten or scanned and emailed to

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Accessibility Requests

Print Accessibility Requests

It is Kent State University Press policy to provide electronic PDF files (if available) of books that have been assigned to people with visual impairment or other print disabilities. We will provide a copy upon receipt of a formal request from the student’s campus disability service office. This request must include verification that the student has been advised of copyright restrictions. Please email the request to Clara Totten at