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Podcast: Howard Ruffner interviewed on My History Can Beat Up Your Politics podcast

Jul 28th, 2020
Moments of Truth/Howard Ruffner. Kent State University PressMoments of Truth author Howard Ruffner discusses his eyewitness photographs of the Kent State shootings on the My History Can Beat Up Your Politics podcast.

“We talk to Howard Ruffner, author of Moments of Truth and both a photographer that day and an eyewitness to the events. His photo appeared in LIFE magazine the week of the shootings.

We also discuss the famous screaming photograph, (not Howard’s) the iconic image of Kent State, and how the photo changed the life of its subject. We discuss the Tent City protests of alumni, students and parents, the fight over a memorial in the 80s and 90s. And the statue that spoke through its metal about the day.”

Find out more about Moments of Truth: A Photographers Experience of Kent State 1970.

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