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Civil War History: Archive

September 2022, Volume 68, No. 3

Jul 28th, 2022


Prisoners with Undaunted Patriotism: Incarcerated Black Soldiers and Battles of Citizenship in Military Prisons during the Civil War
By Jonathan Lande

“Silent but Powerful Preachers”: Southern Religious Pamphlet Literature during the Civil War
By Josh Waddell

The Sexuality of Civil War Historiography: How Two Versions of Homosexuality Make Meaning of the War
By Andrew Donnelly


JOSH WADDELL holds a BA in history, social studies secondary education (2018) and an MA in history (2021) from Appalachian State University. He began the University of Georgia’s history PhD program in August 2022. He plans to study how religion influenced the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Southern culture more broadly.

JONATHAN LANDE earned his PhD at Brown University in 2018 and is assistant profesor of history at Purdue University. He is the recipient of several awards, including the Allan Nevins and Cromwell Dissertation Prizes, Du Bois–Wells and William F. Holmes Paper Prizes, and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching from Brown University. He has published articles in the Journal of Social History, Journal of African American History, the Civil War Monitor, and the Washington Post. He is currently completing a book (under contract with Oxford University Press) that looks at Black deserters and mutineers during the Civil War.

ANDREW DONNELLY is a visiting assistant professor in English and southern studies at the University of Mississippi. He received his PhD in English from Harvard University, and his writing on the Civil War era has been published in American Literary History, Women’s Studies, American Literature, and the Harvard Data Science Review. He is completing a book, Confederate Sympathies, on the interlinked histories of Civil War memory and homosexuality in the late nineteenth century.

DAVID SILKENAT is senior lecturer in American History at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of four books, most recently Raising the White Flag: How Surrender Defined the American Civil War (2019) and Scars on the Land: An Environmental History of Slavery in the American South (2022).

ANNE STRACHAN CROSS is a PhD candidate in art history at the University of Delaware. Her dissertation examines the reproduction of photographic images of atrocity as wood engravings in the Civil War press. Anne’s research has appeared in Panorama, the journal of the Association of Historians of American Art, and History of Photography. In 2021, Anne was awarded a Suzanne and Caleb Loring Fellowship on the Civil War, Its Origins, and Consequences, as supported by the Boston Athenaeum and the Massachusetts Historical Society.

CAROL DEGRASSE is a PhD candidate at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and a 2021 NEH Summer Scholar. She has published on Rebecca Harding Davis, Emily Dickenson, Henry David Thoreau, and effective pedagogical practices. Her dissertation, “Visualizing Identity: Photography and Social Performances of Race in the American Nineteenth Century,” challenges widely accepted theories of race, visual culture, and performance by examining the roles played by aesthetics in framing social identities of race.

CHRISTOPHER HAGER is professor of English at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, where he codirected the Center for Teaching and Learning and currently chairs the English department. He is the author of Word by Word: Emancipation and the Act of Writing (2013); I Remain Yours: Common Lives in Civil War Letters (2018); and numerous essays about nineteenth-century American literature, the Civil War, and the history of literacy. With Cody Marrs, he coedited Timelines of American Literature (2019).

MATT GALLMAN is emeritus professor of history at the University of Florida. He is the author of a dozen books including, most recently, The Cacophony of Politics: Northern Democrats and the American Civil War (2021).

ANDREW K. FRANK is the Allen Morris Professor of History at Florida State University. He is the author and editor of eleven books and several dozen journal articles and book chapters. His most recent book, Before the Pioneers: Indians, Settlers, Slaves, and the Founding of Miami, was published in 2017. He is currently finishing a book titled Those Who Camp at a Distance: The Seminoles and the Indigenous History of Florida.


Book Reviews

The Ledger and the Chain: How Domestic Slave Traders Shaped America, by Joshua D. Rothman
Reviewed by David Silkenat

“Chaotic Freedom” in Civil War Louisiana: The Origins of an Iconic Image, by Bruce Laurie
Reviewed by Anne Strachan Cross

Port Husdon: The Most Significant Battlefield Photographs of the Civil War, by Lawrence Lee Hewitt
Reviewed by Carol Degrasse

The Black Civil War Soldier: A Visual History of Conflict and Citizenship, by Deborah Willis
Reviewed by Christopher Hager

Patriotism by Proxy: The Civil War Draft and the Cultural Formation of Citizen-Soldiers, 1863–1865, by Colleen Glenney Boggs
Reviewed by Matt Gallman

Choctaw Confederates: The American Civil War in Indian Country, by Faye A. Yarbrough
Reviewed by Andrew K. Frank

The Three-Cornered War: The Union, the Confederacy, and Native Peoples in the Fight for the West, by Megan Kate Nelson
Reviewed by Khal Schneider