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Posts Tagged ‘ american civil war ’

Podcast: War, Memory, and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion with Thomas Flagel

| Filed under: News

“PA Books features authors of books about Pennsylvania-related topics. These hour-long conversations allow authors to discuss both their subject matter and inspiration behind the books.”
Catch Thomas Flagel as he discusses his book War, Memory, and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion on the PA Books Podcast.
Get your copy here


My Dear Nelly

| Filed under: Civil War Era, Interpreting the Civil War: Texts and Contexts
My Dear Nelly edited by Paul Taylor. Kent State University Press

More than 150 years after the end of the Civil War, West Point engineer and Brevet Brigadier General Orlando M. Poe (1832–1895) remains one of the Union’s most unsung heroes. He served the Union in uniform from day one of the conflict until the Confederate surrender in North Carolina in late April 1865, and he used his unparalleled ability to predict Confederate movements to lead multiple successful campaigns that turned the tide of the war. Accordingly, the roar of battle permeates this collection of 241 highly literate and previously unpublished wartime letters to his wife, Eleanor Brent Poe.


Kevin Caprice reviews War, Memory, and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion for H-CivWar

| Filed under: News

Don’t miss this excellent review of War, Memory, and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion by Thomas R. Flagel. Reviewed by Keven Caprice for H-CivWar.
“With this work, Flagel has added a new level of insight to the field of Civil War memory, and his microhistorical approach to the personal nature of memory is a welcome addition. His focus on […]


War, Memory, and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion

| Filed under: Civil War Era, Military History, U.S. History
War, Memory and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion by Thomas R. Flagel. Kent State University Press

This June 29–July 4 reunion drew over 55,000 official attendees plus thousands more who descended upon a town of 4,000 during the scorching summer of 1913, with the promise of little more than a cot and two blankets, military fare, and the presence of countless adversaries from a horrific war. Most were revisiting a time and place in their personal history that involved acute physical and emotional trauma.


Meade author John Selby is interviewed on his upcoming book in Civil War Books and Authors

| Filed under: News

John G. Selby is interviewed by Civil War Books and Authors on his upcoming book Meade: The Price of Command 1863–1865. He discusses the book and the controversial legacy of General George G. Meade, Civil War commander of the Army of the Potomac.
“It actually began with me questioning the central premise of most of the […]


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